
We take our responsibilities in the safeguarding of the children at our school very seriously, following the guidance set out by the Department for Education. All members of our school community play a part in keeping our children safe. Here you can find out about the systems we have in place to do so, and what to do if you have any concerns about the safety of any of our children - please do act!

Who to contact if you have a safeguarding concern

If there are concerns that an adult in the school setting is placing children at risk or potential risk then this should be referred to the Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO).  Concerns should be passed on to the Headteacher, Mr P Kelesidis or Miss C Wardle, Deputy Headteacher or Mrs C Wheale, Year 6 class teacher.

If the concern is about the Headteacher this should be reported to the LADO via the Chair of Governors, Mrs Jo Beadwell (

Jo Beardwell is the safeguarding governor.

Calderdale have a team of Local Authority Designated Officers. They can be contacted on 01422 392897 or by email at:

NEW NSPCC helpline number 0800 136 663

Prevent - Prevent is part of the UK's counter terrorism strategy, aimed at preventing people from becoming involved in terrorism or supporting terrorism. Prevent is a legal duty for schools under the Counter Terrorism and Security Act 2015. This means that we need to be alert to the fact that people in Calderdale may be vulnerable to radicalisation, extremism and terrorism from different groups. At Bolton Brow, we recognise our duty to keep children safe from extremism in the same way in which we prioritise them being safeguarded in other ways. We promote British Values through our assemblies, our curriculum and additional events that we organise.

If anyone associated to our school is concerned that a child or adult in the school community may be at risk of radicalisation, they should refer concerns immediately to the Designated Safeguarding Lead (Mr Kelesidis) or one of the deputy DSLs: Miss Wardle and Mrs Wheale. These people would then refer the matter to the Calderdale Prevent Coordinator.

The government have also released an online reporting tool for any person who wishes to report illegal or harmful information, pictures or videos that they have found on the internet. A report can be made anonymously using the following link: