Personal, Social & Health Education at Bolton Brow
At Bolton Brow Primary Academy, the aim of PSHE is to help children to acquire and develop knowledge and understanding of the world around them, in order to help them develop as young citizens. In an ever-changing world, it is important that they are aware, at an appropriate level, of different factors which will affect their world and that they learn how to deal with these so that they have good mental health and well-being. During all units of learning, children will be given opportunities to create a broad and in-depth personal understanding of learning objectives. Children will be given the opportunities to explore and challenge a range of values, attitudes, beliefs, rights, and responsibilities.
At Bolton Brow we use a personalised approach based on the Kapow scheme of learning and the PSHE Association materials. This allows us to offer a comprehensive, carefully thought-through sequence of learning, which brings consistency and progression in this vital curriculum area.
Click here to view our PSHE curriculum overview.
To find out more about the Kapow Programme, please click on the links at the very bottom of this page.
Foreword by the Secretary of State - please click here
DfE RSE Primary School Guide for parents - please click here
Below you will find the two policies:.
PSHE (Personal, Social, Health Education) Policy
Sex and Relationships Education Policy (SRE)
The school consulted with parents & carers during March & April 2021.