Our Curriculum
We want all of our children to believe in themselves. We want them to become confident and articulate individuals with an understanding that they are capable of great success. We want our children to be bold, resilient and inquisitive learners who understand that growth comes from practice and perseverance.
We encourage our children to be considerate individuals who look to make a valuable contribution to society, drawing on the knowledge and cultural capital they gain whilst at our school.
Our curriculum is designed to allow all of our children to realise their full potential, to broaden their horizons and give them opportunities that they may not otherwise experience.
Our curriculum lays the foundations for a lifelong love of learning and readies our children for Key Stage 3 and beyond. We follow Development Matters, the EYFS Framework and the National Curriculum to ensure that our curriculum is broad and balanced with clear progression of essential knowledge and skills in all subjects. We use an enquiry-based model in most subject areas, making meaningful cross-curricular links and frequently revisiting learning to ensure it is embedded in the children’s long-term memories. We use our locality to support our learning wherever possible, giving it real purpose and our children a sense of place and belonging.
Technology, outdoor learning and active learning are an integral part of our curriculum as are our ‘learning muscles’ – the characteristics of sociability, investigation, experimentation, reflection, imagination, curiosity, courage, reasoning and inspiration – that all children are encouraged to apply to their learning. Our children develop knowledge and understanding of metacognition at an age-appropriate level to prepare them for future learning challenges ahead.
Well-being is pivotal to our curriculum. Our children are supported to recognise the importance of healthy relationships, a positive mind-set and self-respect.
Our children work in many different groups and settings with purposeful opportunities that allow them to follow their own interests and express their individuality. They engage in discussions and are actively encouraged to share their opinions and ideas on all aspects of school life and the wider world around them.
Our curriculum is broadened and strengthened by a wealth of activities and events; visitors and specialists to school, sporting opportunities, celebrations, day visits, a residential in Year 4 and Year 6, focused curriculum days, themed weeks, our ‘Whole School Museum’ and our school charter.