Welcome to Bolton Brow Primary Academy
Thank you for taking the time to show interest in our school by visiting our website.
Bolton Brow Primary Academy is an excellent school which has a proud history going back to 1896. As one of the first convertor academy schools and more recently as a partner in forming the Together Learning Trust we have successfully navigated the changing educational landscape to undertake substantial improvements to our learning environment as well as taking an innovative approach to developing teaching and learning to the highest standard for all our children. This is having a tremendous impact on standards, attainment but, just as importantly, pupil engagement and excitement in learning.
Bolton Brow is primarily a family school. Generations of our families have attended this school and are very proud of their connections. We are proud to class ourselves as a true school of our community. Our children are truly special, enthusiastic, caring and passionate about their school. They constantly tell us that they love coming to school every day and it was our children who came up with the slogan ‘Proud to be Brow!’ which they enjoy shouting at the top of their voices.
Our staff work hard, nurture our children and create an environment which is enjoyable to work in. Just like our children they too are ‘Proud to be Brow!’ Our parents and carers are incredibly supportive and appreciative of the work of the school. They also enjoy coming into our school and they are integral in the development of the academy. Our Governing Body are an incredible group of people. They give us all 100% commitment and support. They are extremely ambitious for the children we teach and for the future of our academy.
We are fortunate to be part of the Sowerby Bridge Primary Schools cluster and work effectively with all local schools including Local Authority schools, Church schools and other Academies. We are also an active partner in the Teamworks Teaching Schools Alliance, and we are currently working very closely with a small number of Primary and Secondary schools in our new Multi-Academy Trust. This will enable us to continue to develop our provision for current and future generations of Brow pupils.
In addition to this we have links with schools in Germany, Ireland, Poland and Sri Lanka. Our children have shared work with our friends abroad and our teachers and staff have had opportunities to visit and teach in these amazing schools. As you can see there are so many opportunities for a new member of the teaching team to access some amazing personal and professional development both within the school and beyond.
I arrived at the school in 2009 to take up the post of Deputy Headteacher and over 10 years later I am delighted to have been asked to take up the post of Headteacher. I guarantee that if you and your child join us at Bolton Brow Primary Academy you will very quickly become: ‘Proud to be Brow!’
If you require any further information about the school, please contact us and we would be very pleased to talk to you.
Best wishes
Paul Kelesidis
“A child is not a vessel to be filled but a fire to be lit.”